Saturday, January 30, 2010

Coming Soon: Daughter #2

We are Galen and Robin Pelton and we live in Kansas. Our beautiful family includes Jeremy who is 19 and a sophomore at K-State, Kyle who is 17 and a junior in high school, Logan who just turned 14 and is 8th grade, and Makenna who is almost 3. We adopted Makenna from Jiangxi Province in China in October of 2007. She was 8 months old at the time.

We are once again on the roller coaster ride called "adoption". After the incredible experience we had adopting Makenna, the Lord continued to tug at my heart. I would see pictures and read stories of all the waiting children and think, "How can we not open our home to another child when we are so blessed?" After much prayer and thought, the Lord brought Galen to the same conclusion.

The journey eventually led us to the picture of a sweet little girl on a waiting child list from Taiwan. Her name is Jhang, Pei Fang and she turned seven years old on September 6, 2009.
She has been in a very good foster home for most of her life. However, in Taiwan children are returned to an orphanage between the ages of 8 and 10 if not adopted.

We had the opportunity to meet Pei Fang last July when she traveled to California with 10 other kids needing families. Even though we were already committed to her, the orphanage thought it would be a good idea for her to experience America. We spent 3 days with her in L.A. It was very emotional and we fell in love with her even more.

We are currently awaiting our court date in Taiwan which will happen on February 5, 2010. We will then wait for the judge to finalize things before we can plan our trip to get her. So, we are praying for an expedient judge who will only take about 4 weeks as opposed to one who will take 4 months.

We ask your prayers for financing. This is a very expensive process and we look forward to seeing, once again, how the Lord will provide.

Our biggest prayer will be for attachment and adjustment for all of us, but especially for Pei Fang. It will be a drastic change for her to leave everything and everybody she knows and join a family of strangers in a foreign land. Oh, and she doesn't speak any English.
We plan on changing her name to Nikki. This, of course, will be a process since she is an older child.

Stay tuned for more updates!


  1. How exciting!! We can't wait to meet here!!

  2. Congratulations Pelton family!!!! We look forward to following your blog! We will keep you in our prayers, knowing that God is in control and he will help you through every phase. Your new soon-to-be daughter is beautiful and we look forward to meeting her and welcoming her at one of our reunions!
    Love, The Pattern Family
